Downloadable Forms


Application Form:

Purpose: To initiate the accreditation process, institutions must complete and submit this comprehensive form, providing essential information about the institution, its programs, faculty, and infrastructure.

[Download IAMETA Accreditation Application Form]

Faculty Qualifications Documentation Template:

Purpose: Institutions should use this template to provide detailed documentation of faculty qualifications, including academic credentials, professional experience, and ongoing professional development.

[Download IAMETA Faculty Qualifications Template]

Infrastructure Checklist:

Purpose: This checklist helps institutions ensure that their facilities meet IAMETA standards. It covers aspects such as classrooms, laboratories, clinical facilities, and information technology resources.

[Download IAMETA Infrastructure Checklist]

Accreditation Documentation Submission Checklist:

Purpose: This checklist assists institutions in organizing and submitting all required documentation for IAMETA accreditation. It ensures that nothing essential is overlooked during the application process.

[Download IAMETA Documentation Submission Checklist]

On-Site Evaluation Preparation Guide:

Purpose: Institutions scheduled for an on-site evaluation can use this guide to prepare for the visit. It outlines what to expect and provides guidance on facilitating a smooth evaluation process.

[Download IAMETA On-Site Evaluation Preparation Guide]

Response to Evaluation Report:

Purpose: After the on-site evaluation, institutions receive an evaluation report. This helps institutions respond to the report, addressing any identified concerns and outlining plans for improvement.

Continuous Improvement Plan Template:

Purpose: Institutions are encouraged to engage in continuous improvement. This template assists in developing a plan that outlines specific actions and timelines for ongoing enhancement.

[Download IAMETA Continuous Improvement Plan Template]